XULA Freshman Seminar

Xavier Freshmen Explore Self in Relation to Community

Archive for the ‘Wk 06: Elections/Voting’ Category

We are witnessing and participating in what will become an historic event for America with the Presidential elections this year. We are not only in the middle of two wars and a national economic “crisis,” the campaigns have brought to the forefront issues of race and gender in our country. What are the issues that are most important to you in this election? Have you considered, researched, and listened to both sides, or is there something that has made you decide on one candidate, regardless of the other’s platform? What do you think the implications of this election are to you personally? To Xavier? To New Orleans? Consider each party ticket (President/Vice-President) and discuss at least one issue that, if that party takes office, will seriously impact – either negatively or positively – you and/or your communities.


Posted by maj0615 on October 31, 2008

I’m very excited about this election. With the other elections, I didn’t pay much attention. I understood what was going on, and I knew I didn’t want George W. Bush in office when I was younger because of everyone else’s opinions. It really didn’t matter to me because my voice wouldn’t be heard anyway. I felt like I didn’t need to know what a primary or caucus was, what the issues were and who would run our country. I just knew that I came from a Democratic family and Bush was the opposite.

Of course, things have changed. I’m am involving myself more and more each day. I’ve watched CNN, MSNBC, and even FOX more than I ever have in my life. I did take the time to look at both sides and I find myself agreeing with most of the issues on one side, so that makes my decision a lot easier. My major concerns are issues such as healthcare, education, and fixing the economy. Those are the main issues that concern me.

I really don’t agree with all the mudslinging that has been going on. The candidates should stick solely to the issues, have a little fun with the mudslinging but don’t become overbearing as it already has.

I’m concerned about how the election will turn out. We can’t have another four or eight years of the same results as the last eight years. I’m also concerned about the older generation’s votes. I know a lot of older people that feel that Obama will be assassinated when he gets in office, so they’re doing him a favor by not voting. I really hope their eyes will be opened, and they can be persuaded from that way of thinking. We should try to think positive.

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Elections/ Voting

Posted by NeNe Lewis on October 19, 2008

The issues that are most important to me in this electon are health care, education, and the economy. Health care is one of the most important issues to me because with out it I wouldn’t be able to get a check up for a reasonable price. Not only a check up, if I become very ill I wouldn’t be able to because it cost to much. The price it cost just for the doctor to just see you is extremely high. Especially the price of medicine. Health care programs like medicaid and medicare helps the people who are on these programs not to pay so much money for medicine and visits to the doctor. One of my other most importantissues is education. With a good education nothing is possible. If the wrong person gets into office I wouldn’t be able to attend Xavier University any more. Xavier will not just lose me as a student they will maybe about 75% of its students because so many people took out loans to attend.  The amount it will cost to go to college will be overwhelmingly high. I think if this happens my sister and I will have to decide who is going to stay in school and whom will not. We will have to do this because my mother is not going to be able to pay for both of us. I will let my sister stay in school because she will be a senior at SELU next year so after she graduate I will be able to continue college. My last most important issue is the economy because that affects the entire world not just America. If the ecomony gets worst than it is now there will be most people in poverty than you can imagine.I have listened to the views of both candidates and there backgrounds to decide whom I am voting for. For what I have heard and seen Barack Obama is the best choice for president.

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Posted by Kirsten Smith on October 12, 2008

I have never really been interested in politics and the whole election thing until this year. I guess it’s because I am now old enough to vote and I want to take a part in deciding who will be the next president of the United States. The fact that Barack Obama is an African-American running for president is a good example of how the American society has evolved. Who would have thought there would ever be an African-American candidate for presidency in the same country where African-Americans were slaves for 439 years. The issues that I feel are the most important are the economy, gas prices, and aboritons. I have not actually been watching the news or listening to the debates or anything so I don’t really know their views on these issues. The economy is in a recession for spending too much money on unnecessary wars. Gas prices are another issue. They have become outrageously expensive due to the lack of American crude oil. Abortions are immoral. If you are going to allow abortions then you might as well allow hangings. Obviously I feel they are wrong, but I have never been in that situation. I feel that if you make your bed you should lay in it. Abortions would not be an issue if people would just use protection, and not take sex so casually. I support the Democratic party because the Democrats support all classes of American society. The Republicans are only war hungry, rich people who could care less about the middle and lower class Americans.

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Posted by Brittany Tripp on October 12, 2008

This is defintely the most important and historic election in the history of the United States of America. Who would have thought, maybe forty years ago, that an African American man would run for president in 2008. Sure we all knew it would happen, but its happening now. This is also probably one of the most interesting elections as well. I have never really been interested in politics and elections and all, but I guess since I can now vote and this election is exciting, I will definitely excercise my right to vote. Of course in order to vote, you have to vote for one of the candidates. I havent reasearched any of the two candidates, however, I do watch the presedential debates. I like to know what they are saying, what they are willing to do for our country. These are two very smart men, and one, very experienced candidate, but I already have one in mind; Barack Obama. I really do think that he will bring a change to this country, and we all need a change. There are many reasons why I am going to vote for him. We all know that we are in a war with Iraq, and personally, I dont agree with it. Too many men and women are dying over there, and it doesnt seem like this war is going anywhere. I think McCain will keep our troops over there, and I think it’s pointless. Also, I think McCain is getting a little too old to be in office. He is a seventy year something year old man running for president, and I dont think it is a good idea to put someone old into office. Sure he’s got experience, but so does Barack Obama who was a senator. We have all heard about the financial crisis, which hasnt really affected us as people, but it soon will. I personally think Obama/Biden will help us throught this difficult time. I see McCain as another Bush and I definitely dont want another Bush in office.

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Elections/ Voting

Posted by Angelia Sprott on October 9, 2008

I probably didn’t mention this fact about myself before, but I worked in a Voting Right Interpretive Center back home. So I had to give tours and tell people about the African American struggle to gain voting rights during the 1950s and 1960. I did this eight hours a day, five days a week. Needless to say this election is extremely important to a lot of people. However, I know exactly why it is important to me. Because I have learned so much about the history of the Civil Rights Struggle, I feel that it is my moral obligation to make sure my voice is heard. A Civil Rights veteran once told me that those who could vote but didn’t, were deliberately spitting on the graves of all those who died so I could vote. Sure some people may think his words were kind of harsh, but I agree. This election could go down as the most historical election in the history of the United States. It may seem selfish, but even though there are a lot of issues and problems with our nation as of now, I can’t help but think about the issues that face the people closes to me. My mother for instance, she is a Head Start teacher. She has been working for Head Start for the past fifteen years because she loves to work with children. The salary of a Head Start teacher in Lowndes County, AL is a joke. My mother takes home about $18,750 a year after taxes. For Senator Barack Obama, Early Childhood Education is a MAJOR concern. He sees and understands the need for addition funds this area. So if Obama became President, my mother’s life would be a little easier.  I respect John McCain’s views and political experience, but I’m betting that Barack Obama would make a better President. I think that it is an honor to be able to vote in the election, and hopefully Obama will be victorious in the long run. If not, I hope that McCain will bring about a positive change for the good of American. If not I plan on moving to Europe.  

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Posted by Rachael Flores on October 9, 2008

I am definately stuck on the fence for now. I am still researching and probably will be until the end. On Obama’s side, I definately like the idea of change for our country. He is a very well-spoken person and very likeable. As soon as I heard his radical ideas for change, I was all for it, however, I have learned a few things about him that scare me, personally. On McCain’s side, I thought he was just an old “stick-in-the-mud” with a fake smile, but really alot of his ideas were made out to be worse than I believe they really are.

On the abortion issue, I have to be on McCain’s side. I think people should have consequences when they have sex, just like everything else. There would probably be fewer cases of STD’s if people were less casual about sex because they would know that they can’t have an abortion. A lot people treat abortion like it’s no big deal. At the pharmacy I worked at we would have “Abortion Friday’s” where girls/women would line up all the way down the aisle to get their after-abortion meds filled. It really made me pretty sad. The only times it should be allowed are when the mother’s life is at stake and to end a pregnancy caused by rape or incest. I his plan to overturn Roe vs. Wade and allow states to choose. He also plans to provide the resourses to educate people about sexual health and also about raising children and adoptions in the event of unwanted pregnancies. I know someone who waited too late to have an abortion and instead had to give the baby up for adoption and in turn made another family ridiculously happy.

I also think that McCain has the advantage when it comes to war issues because of his many years of personal experience.

Both of them seem to have pretty good standings on immigration.

One thing I definitely disagree with McCain on is not raising the minimum wage. That’s pretty sick.

One issue that I agree with Obama on is to allow people from Cuba to visit home and to send things there. I know that that would really make my Cuban friends happy. I also like his tax-cutting plan, although I don’t think it is good for larger companies because the taxes will largely increase for them, making it a bad thing to be successful. I like his idea of confronting the enemy, but I don’t think it will do anything to persuade them to change their minds. 

I think one thing that would affect a lot of people is the governmentally provided health care plan Obama is promoting. A lot of people can’t afford insurance so that would be a good way to go.

The reasons I may be against Obama are because he refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag that he will be representing. Also I am a little agitated by  his spritual advisor’s views towards white people. I don’t think his ideas promote unity at all.

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Posted by Nikketa Washington on October 8, 2008

The most issues that are important to me in this elections is what are they going to do about the economy and the problems that we have, and what are they going to do about abortions. Because to me abortions are wrong but then again, on the other hand everyone woman has the right to do what she wants to do. Its like for instance what happens if the women or young lady gets rape and she wounds up pregnant and she can barely take care of her self.  How is she going to raise a baby knowing that he/she came here on accident and its just not right. The problems in the economy are just crazy I really haven’t been watching the news about the economy but from what I know they are cutting back on alot of things. Like I had went to the financial aid office not to long ago and i notice they had a sign saying at this moment they are not giving out any financial aid. I was like how are college students going to get the right help that, they may need to help them get through college.  To be honest I have really not sat down and listen to both sides of the story but I do agree and disagree on somethings that McCain and Obama has said like agreeing with gay marriages. Gay marriages are wrong in all ways but they should also get the same right as a married couple. Like having life insurance having thier names on the same back account.   To me personally this is going to be the biggest electon in history invoving a black man trying to be president and that he really might make a diffrence. Like donating money to collges like Xavier and other good colleges, and might even bring the troops home. And he could even help New Orleans  become an even better city by trying to help bring people home and help rebuild.

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Posted by Freddie Williams on October 7, 2008

The most important issues in this election to me are probably very different from the most important issue to others in America. I feel that the economic crisis we are in, which might be caused by this pointless war we are in, is the most important issue of this elections. Over the past couple of months we have seen the worst inflation we’ve seen in the last six to seven decades. Still many Americans have formed their own personal reasons for who they will give their votes to. I have listened to both sides and have found that the democratic party’s platform has many more incentives for the advancement of our economy. Not only does Barack Obama and democratic party plan to gradually end the war they promise to use some of the money that is being spent on the war back in the economy for public usage, thus opening up many more jobs, thus fixing the economy to some extent. To me as a black American this election means so much. I’m seriously not voting for Obama simply because he is black, but that plays a big part in it. Today there still exists many racist people in America who fail to realize that color should not be the determining factor for anything. If Obama wins this election America will began to overlook that ignorant factor; maybe not entirely but definitely to some greater extent. To Xavier this election could mean more money for schools which would help Xavier be able to better the school and the education will receive. To New Orleans this election stands for the many people that are still in turmoil over Katrina and need government assistance. That in return will dramatically increase the prosperity of the entire city. I honestly cannot see a problem with the Obama/Biden ticket, it may just be because I’m a bit biased, but I really see a big problem with the McCain/Palin ticket. I admit that McCain would be a better candidate than the present (still not better than Obama), but I refuse to accept the fact that the totally incompetent Palin might be the next “Next in Line” of the United States. Now this would really effect mine and everybody else’s communities all over America.

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Election on Voting

Posted by ejour on October 7, 2008

Who im voting for has somethings to do with the they want to change and other reson is because he’s a change for a new time. One of the things that I want out of this person and hes trying to accomplise it is to get our troops out of Iraq. We are in a undeclared war and we need out because we losing to many people over something our current presidents father started. Then hes finding a way to lower gas prices in the future he is trying to change things the other person thinks its ok the way it is know and i dont agree with that at all. The again we need someone in the white house besides another republicen thats going to do us dirty because of money thats foul the way I look at and other people look at it. In short we need a change for once in history this is why im voting in this historical election it we dont win then somebody cheated down the line.

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Still Unsure

Posted by Joi Martin on October 7, 2008

I honestly do not know enough about the election or the candidates, for that matter, to make a sound decision.  I realize that it is my fault for not researching, asking questions, or just watching the news.  However, I can say that it does not matter to me who becomes president.  Either way, history will be made and hopefully the elected president will fulfill his duties to the best of his abilities.  I want what is best for the country as a whole and benefits that I would personally receive.  We do need a president that will be open-minded and not govern the country in a bias matter.  For example, it was made known to me the current President Bush decided to run the country on “Christian values.”  Personally, I thought it was a great idea but what if your beliefs contradict Christianity?  Depending on the strength of your faith in your religion, this may seem unfair and disrespectful.  As president,


As an informed voting individual, I do know what I would like to see happen.  In the outcome of the election, I would like to see the cost of education decrease.  Many individuals, such as myself, cannot afford to pay for school out of pocket.  If I was to ever lose my scholarship, have my loans denied, or lost government funding, I would have to not attend college and find a job.  It is a fact that tuition goes up every year and students seem to believe high school is the end of the road for them. That should not be so.  We are surrounding by aspiring professional, experts, and talented beings to not give them the opportunity to succeed.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Posted by Corneisha McCorkle on October 6, 2008

As an American citizen, I feel very privileged to participate in the fast approaching presidential elections. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t watch the news on a regular bases, far from it. Even without the news, one can’t help noticing the how captivated, maybe even obsessed, the nation as a whole has become with the upcoming election. Everyday I see a different person with Obama campaign shirts on and its refreshing to see so many people in my generation actually taking an interest in politics. The issues that are most important to me in this election are the war in Iraq, abortion, civil rights, and urban policy. I researched each candidates position on these issues and used that information to determine who I’d be voting for. Obama is for reproductive choice and so am I. I fully support Roe v. Wade and believe that a woman should have the right to chose. McCain is pro-life, which is fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. McCain and his wife adopted a little girl from Bangladesh. I personally found that hilarious. Why not adopt a child in America? McCain also wants us to remain in Iraq whereas Obama plans to have us out of Iraq by 2010. Also civil rights and urban policy aren’t even a major factor on McCain’s platform. I think this election is instilling in me the importance of being an active citizen. Thanks to this election Xavier has the opportunity to really impact the community. Xavier has been impacting the community for years, but now the community is inspired. Xavier has the perfect opportunity to capitalize on that inspiration and make more beneficial changes in the community. I think that if McCain was to win the election it would really depress voter who were inspired by Obama to actually participate in the election. Also, for those who never participated in the election process they may revert back to the mind set that their vote doesn’t count.

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Week 6: Obama or McCain?

Posted by Mike Tran on October 6, 2008

One of our biggest issues right now is the prices of gas. America depends on many other countries for different reasons. The middle east is one of the main countries that the United States rely on for gas and oil, and yet we are in war or controversy with them. I think there is a better reason to solve this problem than destroying ones country or risking another. I gave both the Republican and Democratic parties a listen. My two questions while watching the debate was, Can we get out of this crisis? Who is willing to change? John McCain constantly said that we would not bring the troops home and continue doing what the Republicans plan on doing. On the other hand, Obama, said that we need a change and I agree. He explain some reasons why, but I can’t really remember word from word right now.

I really don’t know how the election is going to effect Xavier, but New Orleans, maybe. I think its going to effect New Orleans people. One reason because this election is dealing with race and there might be a lot of controversies of race in New Orleans. To me, I just want to know can we the people, count on the Democrats, since the Republicans failed to exceed their expectations.

If McCain wins, looks like we going to be in crisis four more years. If Obama wins, we have a chance to see the greener side of the fence, but we also might see racist around the country.

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Posted by Trang Tran on October 6, 2008

Actually, this is the very first President election that I am interested to get involved. I didn’t care at all about the elections until now. Since I am college, independent, and I can vote, I want to know more about politics, economies, and what is going on in this nation. I have researched and listened to both sides of the candidates’ debate. It seems like Barack Obama is my choice to become the United States of America’s next President. It is not because of everyone that I know had decided to vote for him, but it is because I believe he could do changes to this nation in positive ways. Everyone knows that education and health care are the most important issues in America. Barack Obama’s health care preparation is to promise health insurance to everyone in the nation. His idea about education is improving the “No Child Left Behind” policy which he will subsidize the program. I believe every child need a good school and certified teachers to be a successful in the long run. War is also a major issue in the United States, the nation had put so much money on the War that not even beneficial us in any positive way. Obama had my vote because his plan when becomes the President of United States is to end the war and get U.S troops back home; which will make so many family happy to see their members come back home. For abortion, I believe one can make a decision to keep or abort her own baby. McCain plan is against the choice of abortion and Obama is against McCain’s plan. So once again, Obama had my vote. If Barack Obama wins this election, college students, who can’t afford tuition, will get assistance. Also, New Orleans will hopefully rebuild completely quicker, because Joe Biden’s plan is to help the victims of natural disaster.

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Posted by Jamaan Kenner on October 6, 2008

There are many issues that are important to me.  The War in Iraq, abortion, and aid for college students are among these many.  I believe that they is no further reason for our troops to be overseas.  Rather than worrying about the government in another country, we need to focus on our crumbling economy here at home.  As far as abortion, I believe that it is up to the woman if she wants to keep the baby.  We as Americans have free will, and the woman she be able to decide.  If you personally don’t agree with abortion, then you don’t have to get one; but you cannot force your opinion and religious on other people.  As far as aid for college students, I personally don’t need the aid because I am on full scholarship; but there are many who do and cannot attend school due to financial circumstances. 

Unfortunately, I have not been keeping up with the election and the debates, so I don’t know first-hand where each candidate stands.  I have been going on what I’ve heard and what the traditional democrat and republican believes in.  The traditional republican’s views are in favor of the rich.  The democrat’s views are traditionally in favor of the average and below average (in terms of income) citizen.  Therefore, I’m voting democrat in this election for Senator Barack Obama. 

I don’t really know  where each candidate stands exaclty on each topic, so I can’t really explain how a particular issue would affect me.  I can say that Barack Obama, if elected, will be a monumental figure in United States history.

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Elections and Voting

Posted by Melita Smith on October 6, 2008

There are many issues that are important to me.  One is womens rights. Others are economics, gay marriage, the war in Iraq, and help for college students.  I have listened to both John McCain and Barack Obama speak on these issues.  I have also researched them both on what they think about these issues and what their plans are with it.  I don’t agree with John McCain and how he feels that women shouldn’t have a say in as to what they want to do with their child.  I also did not like how McCain voted against Martin Luther King day.  That decision made my vote for Obama official.  Also I do not like how Obama is for gay marriage.  I do like how he wants to get our troops out Iraq thought.  The consequences of this election to me personally if Obama wins is that it will test me morally.  I personally do not believe that people of the same sex should be together like that let alone marry.  Obama is very liberal in some of the ways he thinks.  He tries to make everyone happy.  I think it will affect Xavier as to helping the students who go here out.  Some of the bills and tuition will be taken care of more by the government.  With New Orleans I think that New Orleans would be helped more as to helping us rebuild.  If McCain wins I think that New Orleans and the whole country would be taking a step back into the dark ages with some of his ideas and thinking.  I think that with Xavier it would affect the women more then the men because he wants to take away a lot of womens rights.  With me personally I think that I would be really mad if I didn’t have control over what happens to my body.

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Posted by ejour on October 6, 2008

This election is historic and Im proud to say that this is my first election. There was a president that sayed that even with racism in the year 1968 that 40 years from now there will be a serious black canidate running for president and here we are in 2008 and we have Barack Obama running its amazing. There is some who say that they dont want Barack to be president. I heard someone say it will be a blue day in hell if we have a black president. I say in response to that is it will be a blue day in hell because hes going to win this election. This will be a historic change of events for the whole United States.

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2008 Election

Posted by Erin Gardner on October 6, 2008

Let me begin by saying that I am exuberated that Barack Obama has set a new precedence for what an African American can achieve in today’s society.  I would never have imagined, especially during my lifetime, that an African American could become a presidential candidate, not to mention possibly being victorious.  However, Obama does not have my vote simply because of his color.  I have given genuine consideration to both candidates and I agree and disagree with both parties on different subjects.  I am a confirmed but the majority of my values are Christian based.  Obama is pro-choice and believes that gays should be granted the privileges of certain civil rights.  On the other hand, McCain is pro-life and against courts amending the definition of marriage in any way.  My religious affiliation would therefore persuade me to support McCain on these particular issues.  Nevertheless, I also agree with Obama on his views of fiscal policies.  I feel very strongly about the steadily increasing deficit in America’s budget.  I do not understand how we continue to spend money that we don’t have, especially on a war that can’t be won.  Still, on the other hand, I support both candidates on drilling for oil in America instead of using foreign suppliers (we see what that has lead to).  Therefore, I am officially one of the “fence straddlers” caught in the middle by religious beliefs and economic status.  In addition to my indecisiveness, I have heard Joe Biden touch the issue of assistance to victims of natural disasters.  I believe that if Obama was to win the presidency, New Orleans and other lower class minority areas would be greatly assisted in our still existing burdens of recovery.  In addition, Xavier University and other HBCU’s would most likely have more government funding and scholarship availability.

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Posted by Roseanna Desiree Jessup on October 6, 2008

This election is one of the most important elections in the history of our nation. We are a country at war, a country in an economic slump. There are so many issues that are dividing our country. This election will determine where our country goes from here.

With all that being said, I am a bit ashamed to say that I haven’t paid this election one bit of attention. I didn’t want to make up any lies and say that I’ve been following it the whole campaign and that I feel so strongly for one candidate or the other, but that would all be a lie. It is a really selfish reason why, though. The reason I have been purposely ignoring the campaign is because I am too young to vote. As petty as that sounds, I am being so serious. It upsets me to even hear any references to the election. It is a real slap in the face that here I am in college, living away from home, practically an adult now and, yet and still, I can’t vote. These are issues that will effect me just as much as anyone else who is here who is eighteen or nineteen. Therefore I can’t really say anything on the election. I don’t know anything about the election. I don’t know about the issues or anything. It’s sad, I know, but that was my decision. I know that my grade will probably suffer but I’m not going to pretend. I just figured if I had no say, I wouldn’t listen.

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Posted by Mychelle Williams on October 5, 2008

This election is monumental and I am glad that I can be apart in it. Many issues affect me and the biggest one is the economy. The economy is in the ruins and quickly declining; many banks are closing, the stock market is crashing and wages are low. With the economy being so bad it puts college students in a compromising situation. The increase of tuition raises each year and financial aid unfortunately doesn’t. So how do we pay the rest? We need loans, but that option is becoming virtually impossible. That’s how bank closings affect me since they are the lenders. With Obama in office he promises to increase the financial assistance  for student who wish to further their education. I don’t remember hearing anything from McCain that suggest any more assistance for students.  Along with the economy comes raise in gas prices. With the prices going up and wages not, getting home seems impossible. Plane ticket, and train ticket prices have sky rocketed.

What made me choose Obama? Well primarily because he is Black. I want to see a smart Black man in office. I would much rather see a man who has a faint idea of what its like to struggle, than some guy who supports the people who make my life difficult. I feel that the republicans only care about people with money. I also feel that the democrats are more realistic. Of course they have money but they realize that people actually don’t have very much money; they know that there are people who work from paycheck to the next. I would never vote for McCain because he is sick, and he might die before he can make any changes. He was in a few wars but crashed planes and was a prisoner of war. He doesn’t sound like a hero to me. Then Palin! With her billion children. I don’t feel comfortable with a woman that has a newborn helping to run my country. We don’t have time for I can’t make it because my child is sick or the nanny quit. I need someone who can dedicate 110% of their energy and effort and concentration to my welfare and safety. I also feel that Alaska is as far out of touch as you can get. I mean sure its a state but on the end of the content. [I personally don’t like Alaska, if it’s not about Alaskan King crab legs].

McCain voted against the choice for an abortion. Obama voted for it. I feel that its my choice. If I get raped, it is most definitely my choice to get the baby aborted. I am to young for a child.  So if I don’t wanna have one I won’t. Another issue is gay marriage. No they shouldn’t get married. A marriage is the union of a man and woman not anything else.  Both of the candidates disagree with the marriage of gays so I agree with both of them.

If the democrats win ans another devastating storm hits I know that the people will be taken care of. But if the republicans wins I doubt it because if they not rich white people they really don’t care

I like Obama because he is black and he is a democrat.

Posted in Wk 06: Elections/Voting | 1 Comment »

Obama Rock the Vote!!!

Posted by Courtney McClain on October 5, 2008

As all Americans know by now the people as a whole are in a major crises with our economics. It’s almost as were reliving the great depression all over again slowly but surely.


The main issues that I look for in a candidate are gas prices, unemployment, taxes, retirement funds and social security. The main objective that made me go for Obama 100% of the way is the way he delivers in interviews, speeches and debates to me he seems to be so real when he talks to the people. He doesn’t sugar coat issues or try to hide the real facts from us he understands what Americans want and need out of a president; another reason I’m a Obama supporter is that he is African American, which I know makes it hypothetical but I have to support my own.


One issue that I seriously think will impact both parties if they take office is the war in Iraq, I believe that Obama will pull our troops out and try to rebuild America from there on. On McCain side I believe he will keep the troops over in Iraq, I do believe he will end the war but not as fast as Americans would like. Another issue I have is McCain use the phrase “inexperienced” when he talks toward Obama but if McCain looks to the side of him he will notice that Sara Plain is not experienced at all to become vice president. I believe that Obama/Biden will work on rebuilding and establishing more help for our economy.  


Courtney McClain


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Ugh, Politics…

Posted by whochrisvu on October 5, 2008

Politics is not one of my main interests.  The only thing I really know about with the current election is who was in the running.  I kept up when Clinton, Romney, etc. had a chance, but as for political stands, I can be at quite a loss.  Even so, just because I am not that interested in politics doesn’t mean that I don’t have any beliefs.  My beliefs and interests in issues fall under abortion and gay marriage.  I practice and uphold my religion.  This makes me pro-life and uphold that the sanctity of marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman.  Honestly, religion is a big factor and will always be because of how I was raised.  I know about the “separation of church and state” but it would be weird to me if I put religion to the side considering I went to Catholic school for 13 years and am a firm believer.  I am completely against both issues and so is the Republican party.  The Democratic party is pro-choice and is for gay marriage through civil unions.  So I guess that makes me a McCain voter.  This is the thing that kinda makes me lenient to one side regardless of what Obama is running for.

The election affects people differently.  To me personally, this election means a change in my future for better or worse.  I don’t know where the economy may be in the next few years or how univeral health care may affect it.  To both Xavier and New Orleans, this election brings forth hope and attention.  To Xavier, it means a lot to have the idea that an African American could be in power.  It gives us all proof that we are diverse, and we are equal. It also supports Xavier’s role as helping African Americans in modern society.  To New Orleans, it seems obvious.  It gives us a hope of change.  People will view African Americans differently, hopefully for the better.  It gives a chance for respect and change to see one of their own high up in society and speak for what they stand for.

If the Republican party (McCain/Palin) takes office, the issue of Roe v. Wade may be overturned.  This is a positive for me religiously.  It makes me feel that my faith really isn’t for nothing, that something will change for the better.  Pro-life really does seem morally just.  If the Democratic party (Obama/Biden) takes office, education will surely take a change for the better.  Education staff will be more efficient and the No Child Left Behind policy will take charge.  America’s future is with its teens, not the adults.  Hopefully, by educating the youth more properly America will be better off in years to come.

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Posted by woneal1 on October 5, 2008

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Why do people need to vote? Most of the time it is a very easy chose which of the two candidates are better for the job. Let’s talk about this election were for eight years a person who should have never been elect was elect twice. The common person should have known that he was a bad caudate and yet they pick him twice. The first time he should have lost because his compater got a half of million more votes than he did but still he was elected into offices. The next time his brother cheated and gave him a state that he should not have won. Now it is time for a new being. Now the man best for the job is black. He is smarter and younger than his opponent. His opponent has been in offices forever but that does not make him a better caudate. He was also a war verdant who got turuch and we the people should vote for him because of that. Now I do not see the reason why we need to vote it is clear that one is a far better caudate than the other. I am not going to vote this election the reason why is because I think that we have no chase in the matter. One is way better than the other all because he is blacks us having this debate. If the guy was white and has done everything he has done than it would not be a chose in the matter. He would win be such a huge gap there would be no reason to even go and vote.

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Posted by Jillique Logan on October 5, 2008

Before this year, I never watched the news.  Any happenings that affected me, I learned via word of mouth. I only recently began working and paying for things on my own, so the issues that fire everyone else up don’t really phase me all that much. I have opinions and beliefs in what I think is right or wrong, but as far as taxes and foreign relations go, I am nowhere near the expert that the average American claims to be. The race that is being undergone now between McCain and Obama is somewhat personal, but not very much. Ever since I was a child, I have associated myself with three groups, African Americans, women, and Democrats. I can remember being a child and asking my mother what political party I was in. She replied, “Democrat.” I asked someone else why and their response was, “Because you’re black.” This may seem like a very ignorant response, but in fact, this point is very valid. As an African American I am considered a minority and as such typically the receiver of the “shorter end of the stick.” This point not only unifies the African American group, but also the Democratic Party. We as a whole fight for the underdog and the middle class more so than the upper, which is backed by the Republican Party. The fact that the Democratic Party is more for the common people also shapes its standpoint on key issues which, in a way, conforms it into the common voice of the people.  These points alone make my decision to vote for the Democratic Party a “no-brainer” because no matter who the candidate is, I know that he or she would be a Democrat first and as such a champion for my rights as a middle-class American. The point of the race now is to get the Democratic Party into power. Now and even once he is elected, the Democratic Party and what it stands for will shape most of what he does.  The fact that Obama, an African American, is the Democratic candidate is only icing on the cake. After the turmoil of 9/11 and the War, America as whole is ready for a new beginning. Obama represents that transition from the old ways to the new.  Now we know that only will the power finally change hands again, but it will be a step into the future of a whole new America, a common dream of most Americans, especially now. I think that as a Democrat he will focus on the lower and middle class and their education which could mean more funding for colleges (Xavier) and more money into less prominent communities (New Orleans). One issue that will seriously impact me and my community is, of course, the War. Obama plans to immediately begin to withdraw the troops and McCain is dragging his feet. America is over the war and the senseless execution of the soldiers. Not only will the withdrawal of troops ease a lot of the heartache felt in many households, but it will also increase the workforce which could put a lot more money into the economy.

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ELeCTiONs / VoTinG

Posted by Nia Weber on October 5, 2008

          I am proud to say that I will be an active participant in this historically memorable 2008 presidential election. Honestly, I am not one who researches the entire platform for either political party, this year being Democrats Barack Obama/ Joe Biden and Republicans John McCain/ Sarah Palin. Personally, I have never been too extremely interested in politics, but have always prayed for a better America. Although my family chooses to vote for Obama, that is not my sole reason for doing so.


            Race is an important and controversial issue in this election. As a young black woman it is quite rewarding to witness a black male be in the running for the next president of the United States. I think this a great opportunity for other blacks, men and women, to realize that despite America’s “hidden” racism, they can overcome how others perceive us as blacks. Particularly for New Orleans, many people watch some of the blacks here and how they behave, live in poverty, and end up in jail. I believe that if Obama is elected president America will have a great chance to change others’ view of blacks for the better.


            Although Obama’s slogan, “Change We Can Believe In,” may sound cliché it is true. Our country has been under the leadership of the Republican Bush Administration for the past eight years we have watched our country’s economy deteriorate and we are now in one of the worst economic crises ever. McCain/Palin may not want to be associated with the policies of the Bush Administration but they will be, mainly because they are Republican and therefore agree with some things Bush does. It is definitely time for a change in parties who run the country and Obama is the best candidate for the job. I also think Obama relates more to the people because he is seen in public greeting and speaking with others, whereas McCain tends to operate more in the background. If Obama is elected president this will be an example of why Xavier’s mission is significant and how if a community works together (votes in the presidential election) change is possible.

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Posted by Edward Hill,III on October 5, 2008

The issues that are most important to me in this election are health care and war. I researched and watched the campaigning of both canidates and Barack Obama has all of my interest. Barack Obama has addressed my interested in his many speechs. Many people of the african american race are voting for Obama because of his race but that’s not my issue. Barack Obama’s plans sound legitament. McCains issues he focuses on remind me of president Bush’s actions. A president with the same aspects of George Bush isn’t something the United States need right now. George Bush’s actions has the U. S. in many trials and tribulations that are hard to get over.Obama has a great plans for health care and education. After Katrina, New Orleans has suffered from these deficits for a long time. In education, Obama will increase the funds for jump start and head start programs for children. He also will increase the funds for summer programs for students in the need for help.  Barack Obama has a positve attiude and I’m looking forward to him keeping his promises the citizens of the U.S.. As for McCain, im not to excited with his ideas and plans. I feel if he becomes president, the U.S. will have no change for society or I will get worse. Many people will not be pleased if he was to take office. I hope everyone who is able to vote and make a difference votes. Just one vote could make a big difference in one’s winning or losing.

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The Election

Posted by Phuong Dao on October 5, 2008

Voting for a president was always a big deal to everybody and a huge controversy. This year would have to be the most political and controversial campaign in the history. Every issue is important to me, because these are the problems that United States always has to deal with. Whoever we choose to become president will reflect back on the whole country as one. One of the main issues that really concern me most is if both Presidents will be able to maintain and commit the promises they make to the country.

I have decided on the candidate that I decide to vote for and that is McCain. Though many people may disagree with me, I honestly feel that McCain have more experiences to become a president than Obama. Obama’s promises gives you hope that we’ll have a new kind of nation, but in truth is there are just some things you just can’t change. His promises contradicts each other, that just shows how naïve and desperate he’s becoming to win the election. I praise him for wanting a change, but he’s winning votes by sweet talk and not looking at issues by reality. Everything he says he wants to do for America sounds great and encouraging, but can you honestly think he can pull it off? If the other past presidents could have done it to better American, don’t you think they would have done it? Truth is, when it comes down to making a decision for America, it’s not what’s going to please everyone, it’s what going to keep United States standing for the people. Sometimes people don’t understand that the choices the president make isn’t what he exactly wish for, it’s just something he has to do to keep United State as strong as it is. McCain talks about how he really feels, not what’s going to please people’s ear. He has more experience than Obama, and if Obama really want to become president he’ll run for election again the second time around.

To stay honest with my opinion, which ever president we have, they won’t be able to benefit me, Xavier, or New Orleans much. When they get into election, they just eventually become involve with bigger issue that involves the whole nation. Whatever they decide to do, maybe it will benefit us in a little but not completely to satisfaction.

I hope who ever is in office will be able to effectively change the prices of the gas rising high. As the rate that gas is going, everybody won’t be able to afford for gas, this will lead to many crisis to the United States. People will eventually lose their jobs and so on. Many people will probably drop out of school, I know I could be one of them.

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Elections & Voting

Posted by Marshall Collins on October 5, 2008

In this presidential election, there are two issues that are really important to me. One being forgien policy and another one that can argured to go hand-in-hand, the war in Iraq.  You see Obama has the stand on forgien policy that in essence can mend the forgien relationships that he have in shambles right now. With respects the the war, Obama wants to find a way to remove all the soldiers on the lines, but with McCain, he wants to find a way to contiue the war in efforts to “finish.” One think that I’ll say is that I didn’t care if he was just black. What got my attention to his campaign was his skill when he gives a speech. Then with McCain, I saw him as another George Bush. Mainly because of his track record with agreeing on the policies that George Bush would come up with, that has put our nation in the postion that it’s in now. What I think is that Obama would definently aid the college community as he brings the chance to put money back in the hands of the citizens. The biggest thing that I don’t like about McCain is his jugdment. When he chose Sarah Palin it was aggravating after the first time I heard her speak. She proves that she is not ready for this office she’s runnig for. She always leans on her crutch of being a soccermom with a special needs child. When in all essence she cannot answer any question that deals with real issuses without ignoring it and digressing to another issue. So in this election I am voting both for Obama and Bidden and against McCain and Palin. Because Obama is the bringer of change in this election.

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Elections & Voting!

Posted by Kia Wilson on October 5, 2008

In this election, I feel that it is a major responsibility for all citizens to vote because this election is very serious to our present and future.  Some issues that I think are important are war, senior citizens, and wages. The war is something that could have been stopped along time ago, but since Bush is still in office we are still sending troops over seas to fight for their country. Oil has also become a big deal with the war because the price of oil is going up; therefore, we are spending more money on gas. The senior citizens are being affected with what’s going on in the world because we are looking over them and they are not getting the proper care they need. Because our economy is going through a real tough crisis we need someone in office who is going to help make a difference with this and that person is Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

If I had the chance to vote, my vote would go towards Obama and Biden, one reason is because Obama is an African American and I dont think McCain is ready for such a big role. This election will effect my city as a whole because we already have some bad people in office, I feel and by changing things from the top it will eventually fall though to others. I feel that if you want people to follow you, then first you have to show that you are a good leader and i think Obama and Biden both show good and positive leadership roles.

I feel that because Obama is going to try to do something about health care and helping with medical issues is a good thing because health is a main proirity in the United States and something needs to be done about the cost of some medicine. All McCain want to do is send more of our troops over seas to fight a war that is now not worth fighting for. If I could vote my vote would be for Obama and Biden!

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Vote for Change!

Posted by Shannon Taylor on October 5, 2008

As the fourth of November rolls around the realty of a African American presidential candidate becomes more apparent! Barack Obama has already made a historical mark on this nation. The first black candidate running for president…..so overwhelming! I am a person who really is Obama ALL THE WAY! Our country is in a desperate need of change, revival, strength, and most of all a democratic president!

The most important issue to me is the foreign policy. We are in two wars, and its counting our country TRILLIONS of dollars!! And our debt is steadily increasing. We need a plan to extract our troops and make our own country stronger. WE cannot keep putting our tax payer’s money into this unnecessary war. A war we are NOT winning. It so IMPORTANT that we have to find a way out of this war before our country diminishes to pieces. Obama’s plan to extract the troops is the way to go!

I try my hardest to listen to the Republican Party’s opinion. But as a democrat it’s so hard for me to hear someone say that the wars we are in are a good decision. It so wrong! Governor Pailin makes me so annoyed when I listen to her speak but I still try to listen to her opinion. For example it was so annoying that she thought it was ok to just ignore the question the monitor was saying. I think she should have a least tried to answer the questions instead of ignoring them! She just makes me dislike the Republican Party even more. All though I dislike the Republican Party views they do seem to have one thing I can respect. The abortion outlook they have I think is something can understand. I am pro choice, but I do understand how they could want it to be illegal.

Having a African American president will change Xavier, New Orleans, this nation so much better. I think it will bring this country together, and finally start making the necessary changes to become a more respectful country. This country will finally be able to change for the better! We as African Americans will have a president who can understand the our culture! It will be Amazing!

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Posted by Courtney Williams on October 5, 2008

Yes we are obviously in a huge economic crisis. We are experiencing the bailout to help us get out of recession. Also we are experiencing one of the most historic presidential elections of America. There are many issues that are important to me. Issues such as taxes, gas prices, social security, and unemployment.

Taxes are so big to me because everytime I get my paycheck from work I think Im going to get a huge paycheck, but then when I get the check its not as much as I expected. How dissapointing :(. Gas is also important to me because I’m the owner of a car. Although I drive a Honda Accord and its good on gas, it’s still expensive. Before when it took thirty dollars to fill up it now takes forty or fifty dollars. Social security is also important for so many reason. In the news they talk about how social security is running out for people now. Well if it is running out for people now then there will definitly be none left for me. The unemployement rate is rising rapidly. Many people are getting laid off and its hard to get a job if you don’t have a degree. Unfortunaly now sometimes even a degree is not enough.

When I first thought about voting I admit the only reason I was voting for Barack Obama was because he was black. I also knew that I didn’t want to vote for McCain because he was old(72).  It was not until about a month or two ago when I decided to go and do some research and look at both sides. One of the main issues that effect me and the economy is taxes. If Barack is in office he will raise taxes on the wealthy. Then tax breaks will be given to the poor and elderly. This will greatly effect the economy and it will lower taxes. Hopefully this along with other things and help pull the economy out of the recession. OBAMA/BIDEN–>Barack the VOTE!

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Presidential election

Posted by Hung Le on October 5, 2008

     The presidential election has been the highlight of 2008, its apparent that the media has taking over the campaign, picking sides in a election where race, gender, and age plays a crucial part in the race for presidency. As responsible young adults, its our duty to participate in this historical event because the issues and policies such as healthcare, education, and war are going to effect us for the years to come. The message that I’m trying to get across is be more involve in your future. Take timeout to research each candidate and the policy that they are going to implement if elected. Furthermore, don’t let the media dictate your decision by way of negative mudslinging. In addition, I still haven’t made a clear decision on which candidate I want to vote for but on election day I will have enough knowledge on both to decide.

     Its obvious that I’m going to choose the candidate that best represents my views and ideas. I’m not a big fan of Sarah Palin nor Joe Biden because they are more of a celebrities than a government official. To Xavier I believe that the election implies that our mission will continue to be satisfied. Numerous people come to Xavier with the assistance of financial aid and I think that after the election even more may have the opportunity to come and be a part of the Xavier community. As for New Orleans, I think that this election will allow individuals to return home.

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Posted by Hai Tran on October 5, 2008

In this elections, we talked about in class who we would vote for. It came to surface the issue of, voting because of race, but in an election we can’t blindly vote on race alone. We have to learn what that candidate is doing, what he is trying to provide for our nation, and how he would be as our leader, our president, the highest seat in the United States.

To me, the main value is a new era instead of following the Bush administration. McCain is aiming for what President Bush is doing, but Obama is bringing something new, something different to the table and possibly this difference can bring us out of the economic depression we are facing and possibly getting us out of war asap. The main value, change, is all I’m looking for. Something new, something refreshing that we can try something new to get our country out of a hole.

Although I have not done as much research as many of my fellow students, I have some insight, but there are other reasons why I would be voting for Obama than McCain. One value is that of a new lead. In English, we had a talk about what can Obama as a President do for our country, and the first thought everyone had in mind was he is black. A black man in a top seat that no one would ever think of happening, and he is only one foot away from it. It gives hope, and it shows our nation is a nation of diversity and equality. To Xavier, it can mean a lot from the simplest issue of a black man in power, it gives us all light that we are diverse, and we are equal and this nation isn’t just one sided. To New Orleans, it gives us a new hope of change, changing how people see us, how we act in general, possibly more positive, possibly more supportive, and possibly more into politics and having more and more people vote. In general, I think this is what our nation needed, which was Obama someone that changed how everything was, and defeated the odds and caused us to react. In this, our reaction caused us to become more into politics which is the best thing that can happen.

To me, the Republican ticket, with McCain is that of offshore drilling.  They support it, but the problem is, what will happen to Louisiana and Texas, and possibly the whole Gulf Coast? Will there be more pollution? Or will gas prices drop? I’m not sure, but there maybe more negatives affecting us then we think. So that’s a possible negative/positive insight we should be paying attention to. We have to realize, sometimes they never keep their promises, so broaden your knowledge, and vote for someone you think can handle the job, and brings something to the table.

-Hai Tran

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Posted by Morgan Weber on October 5, 2008

     To me the most important issues in this election are on abortion, environment and energy.  I have not considered both sides about these issues because I am not really interested in voting, though in theory I would love to do research and pick the right candidate.  My schedule is so full right now that my main priority are my grades and getting through college to eventually go to graduate school.  Therefore, I probably will not vote this year.

     I think the implications for this election with me are that I am an African American, and if Barack Obama were president I would have someone of my own color to look up to in modern times.  The implication the election has with Xavier is that Xavier is a HBCU.  Therefore, the university takes the matter of having a black president very seriously.  I think Xavier would also like to have a black role model for modern times.  As for New Orleans, its implication with the election is also having some one to represent them.  New Orleans is predominantly black city, so, therefore, I think it would mean a lot for them to see someone like them have such high power in office.

     If the democratic party takes office, the promotion of stem cell research would be advocated.  This is positive for me and my country because their is a strong possibility that these cells can help those with diseases.  I also like how they do not approve of cloning which is against my religious beliefs.  If the republican party takes office, the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade might be overturned.  To me, this is a positive because many of today’s youth think they can do what they want with out any consequences.  This includes being promiscuous.  I think that this will lessen promiscuity because it will be harder to avoid the responsibility of having a baby.

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Posted by Danielle Kennebrew on October 5, 2008

 This years Presidential elections are coming up. Choosing a candidate is impeccable in the voting process. No madder who you choose you as an American need to vote an let your voice be heard, so let it count on election day an vote. In this presidential election there are many issues to discuss at hand such as health care, the economy, the Iraq War, and security to name a few. The two issues that caught my attention were education and health care. Yes, I have researched the issues of the candidates and I have chosen to vote for Barack Obama. There are many reasons why I am voting for Obama. For starters he is qualified to hold the position as President and also he is of the African American decent. These elections will go down in history because this is the first time an African American male has a great opportunity in becoming the President of The United States. To me that is an immense accomplishment because it shows how much we as a African American culture have progressed. Moreover I support his ideas and standings on them. For instance he is willing to improve the No Child Left Behind Act that was passed, which indeed caused many children to be left behind. He is willing to target the problem areas and find meaningful solutions to that problem. This election to me signifies change and a new beginning for America. This change could be good or bad depending on the elected candidate. I also believe that this election will impact Xavier and the New Orleans Community in many ways. I feel that the president should be the voice of the nation meaning the different communities out there. So this election will determine how the nation will end up and how the different communities such as New Orleans and Xavier will prosper or parish. I feel Obama’s standings on the new education reforms will help our community. The problem in our education between the grades of K-College is NCLB, teacher retention, and the high cost of a college education. Obamas solution to these problems would be to improve the assignments given to students in order for them to become will prepared for a higher education. Also he will put an infuses on math and science while funding different after school programs. According to Obama he will , “Recruit, Prepare, Retain, and Reward America’s Teachers and also make a college education affordable by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit.” To me as a young adult this will have a positive impact on the community.

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Elections/ Voting

Posted by Bechi Okwumabua on October 5, 2008

It is hard to honestly be open about the issues that I think should be addressed in this election. But I’m going to be all the way honest. I want to see if America is actually ready to break away from the conservative presidential elections and recognize when a well-qualified American citizen is running to serve the country to the best of his or her ability, despite the color of their skin. Obviously, Barack Obama looks nothing like the president that America, or the rest of the world for that matter, is used to. I know many people, in the back of their mind, feel that it is about time a black man made it this far. Others are wondering just how did he make it this far. And then there are those who feel it is their responsibility to make sure he makes it no further. I know that sounds bad, and I hope nobody assassinates Obama, but the possibility is somewhat realistic to me. I see American citizens around me, all different colors and ethnicities, in support of Obama. Yet, I will not believe this is real until I see him officially in office, because people talk much. But when it comes time to actually vote, I wonder how many people will select his name. This is what is most important to me. I know that Barack Obama is qualified. He is a legitimate presidential candidate for our country. And we do need CHANGE. I have no doubt in my mind that he is ready to lead our country. But are we ready for us to let him lead? That is the question… And the answer that I see so far is… No. The black people are excited that someone that looks like us is running this well for president. I believe much of his support would come from us. However, are we really going to vote??? Do we ever? I don’t know. For some reason I just don’t know if America is ready. Some may be scared, unsure, uncomfortable of change. I am in full support of Obama. I believe in abortion. Not because I’m a hateful person who doesn’t believe babies deserve to live, but because I see those children who are brought into the world by parents that don’t want them am I hurt for them. They don’t recieve the same love that others may. Few and far between are these children successful. A lot of the time these children grow up to be murderers and criminals. And no I’m not stereotyping. I’m being so realistic right now whether people want to admit it or not. I supprt gay marriage, because honestly it isn’t my business who some stranger wants to kiss on. I mean, they are going to do it anyway whether America approves or not. And the whole thing about “I’m a Christian and God don’t approve”… blah blah blah. Take a look at yourself America… Now tell me if God approves of everything we do. Baracl Obama just seems like a real person! John McCain is old and all exclusive and what not. I’m not interested in people like that. It just doesn’t make sense. Personally, I believe this is an opportunity for black America to see a black man excel in an area besides music or sports. Like Ben Carson in medicine or the astronaut we heard from at the presentation, Obama is an example of what black people can be. We don’t have excuses anymore… settling for these one in a million NBA careers or BET appearances. We have to take that step, with Barack Obama, to better America. Because after all, we are citizens. We live here in America and we are going to be affected by the decisions that our president makes. I believe that I may be directly affected by the affirmative action law sometime soon or when I graduate. Barack Obama approves affirmative action. I think this is smart because, being realistic, minorites and the less fortunate are not as privilaged as white and middleclass to upperclass America. I believe I will directly benefit from this some day. The majority of minorities already have to work ten times harder to survive here. If only we were given the chance, in some cases, we would be able to progress and be successful. I’m not saying that all black people are unfortunate, or that all white people have opporunities handed to them on a silver platter. I’m just going off of what I know and see in this country. Given that I have yet to see everything, although I doubt any person has seen everything, I can only assume from the poisition where I am. Currently, this position I’ve taken, is in support of Barack Obama.

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Posted by Courtney smith on October 5, 2008

Before this years election I was not a big fan of politics. As Barack Obama announced his intention to run I became intrigued. For the first time in my life someone who looked like me was running for president. I started to research and learned more about the process. I started watching more CNN and listening to analysis about the election process. I learned about the issues that were important to me. As a graduating senior the prospect of financing my secondary issue became real. I realized that the government to finance education of students. There is no reason why we should have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn. As the issues of health care became more severe it hit home. Members of my family take medicine that is difficult to afford even with insurance. The prospect of affording it without insurance tough to face. As someone who worked while in school I realized the pay for work was meager. Minimum wage was barely enough for me to afford basic things. Listening to Barack Obama has caused to me to believe in change. I believe that Obama stands for change. His policies are in line with what I believe. I do not feel as if McCain understands the American people. He connects with the wealthy citizens of america. Chris Rock said it best, “Would you trust a person with 12 houses who could lose seven and still be ok or the person with 1 who would try his best to keep it.”

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Posted by NeNe Lewis on October 5, 2008

The U.S. presidential election is very interesting. I am proud to be a part of this history making. My opinion and knowledge of this election is making me realized that everyone really needs to vote. This election is very important to everyone who lives in the United States. If the wrong canadiate  wins the people of America lives are going to change dramatically. Mainly all the middle class, and poor families will suffer if this happens. I haven’t followed the election the entire time but from what I heard and seen, I will be voting for Barack Obama. I feel like he is the best candidate to become president of the United States. I am voting for him not only because he is black but because he knows how it feels to be less fortunate and because of his plans to make America a better place for everyone. Because he is a black man he understands the life of the average black person. Us African Americans need to sick together. We need to support each other. He plans on making America a better place for all Americans by bringing the American troops over seas home, not eliminating health care, and he plans to better the educational system. The troops comeing home is something that should have been done about four years ago. The troops was sent over there for one reason but when they got there the plans changed. The plan to bring them home seems very well planed out so I believe it will happen. Barack Obama’splans not to eliminate health care and to better the education system is something that will affect all families. Good health and a good education is what will make you a very successful person in America. John McCain doesn’t plan on improving any of these things. He wants more troops to go over seas to fight for what, noboby knows.

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Posted by Lamoyne Taylor on October 5, 2008

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Posted by Maryam Kanj on October 5, 2008

       This is a very important election because we are going to witness history being made. The issues that are important to me are health care, more financial aid, and the wars that are going on. I have reassured both sides and my vote is going to Obama . I think Obama will make a good president because he believes in giving health care to everyone he is also going to help provide more money for school and is against war. He wants to end the war. McCain on the other hand wants to spend all our money on war and could care if we have money for school or money for healthcare. If we choose McCain its like we didn’t change anything his believes are just like Bush‘s. I think that for me personally if Obama wins it will be better for me because I need health care which I don’t have and it he will make it easier for me to go to school. I think it helps Xavier because schools will have more money. It will help New Orleans there are a lot of people in New Orleans who need health care especially after hurricanes. I’m also not a big fan of Sarah Palin and joe Bidenwould be a better VP. It think if Obama gets elected he well give health care to all Americans which is a big concern for me and my community and that will be a positive impact. That it why when election day comes me vote is ready and I will vote for who I think will make a good president.

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Posted by Terrianna Woodard on October 5, 2008

This election is the highlight of the year. The closer the election gets the more you hear especially with all of the campaigns to get people to vote. Some items are are already predicted to be of value in the coming years. Issues that hold the most value to me are universal healthcare, energy and war. I feel that we should have universal healthcare or an alternative close to it. All the money put into fighting wars could be used to fund healthcare. Other nations such as France and Cuba have free healthcare and it has helped the country as a whole. The energy crisis is getting out of hand. I feel that something besides fighting needs to be done to solve the issue. It is affecting the nation’s economy and it has gotten so bad that in some parts of Georgia they don’t have gas and places where they do they have began to ration it out. War is a big issue and whether to continue or end the fighting is a major topic. I do believe that the war needs to be over but at the very same time I don’t believe that we should do it so suddenly. I think that over a period of time we should take soliders out of that war zone. This war is destroying the economy of America and most importantly it is creating an unbearable amount of broken homes and familes. I haven’t exactly listened to both sides but the canidate that i feel that i am going to vote for at this moment stands out on some issues that I think are very important. Once I saw that I found myself not really listening to the other canidate. When i do vote officially vote I do plan on researching a more information.I like the points that each side has made but i feel my canidate is the best choice. The implications that I have is that this is the most important election ever. I am going to vote because I my opinon counts.

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