XULA Freshman Seminar

Xavier Freshmen Explore Self in Relation to Community


Posted by Angelica Wilson on October 28, 2008

Studying is very inportant throughout my college life.  But to tell you the truth I don’t know how to study.  I never really found a method that’s just right for me.  When I do study or try to study I usually would read over my notes and look in the text book for a better understanding.  I prefer studying by myself, but when I don’t understand something I ask for help.  Like the time I had a problem in chemistry.  I didn’t get it in lecture but when I received help, I understood it a lot better.  As for a particular area, I would usually study in my room on my bed, with all the materials I need to study.  My room is my study area because, its comfortable and quite.  Although I said that I like it quite I kind of like to have the television on because I need some kind of sound effect in my room.  But with that I can’t put it on anything that I’am interested in because, then it would become a distraction.  As for a study schedule I don’t really have one.  I just study whenever I think that I need to improve in a particular class.  But when I do study I do it during the week, when I get home from school because if I wait, I tend to get lazy and won’t do it.  And as for studying I really need to work on it because I only study when I have a test or a quiz and its usually the day before that I do it. So finding a study method that would fit me will surely help me improve my study habits.

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