XULA Freshman Seminar

Xavier Freshmen Explore Self in Relation to Community

Jasmine Grant:Stuff

Posted by Jasmine Grant on November 29, 2008

There have been many great things that I have came across attending Xavier University. I haven learned many new things and have made some accomplishments. One of my greatest accomplishments to me is making it through pre-season for basketball. Some students think that it is really not that hard to play basketball for a university. It is comletely different from high school. Having practice two times a day and still managing to go go to class. Liftinng weights six days a week. No practice shorter than two and a half hours. The conditioning, to see if you have heart when you get tired.Not to give up because you have an injury. I did not think I would make it, I cried to my parents every night for the first couple of weeks because I didnt think I could manage my grades and sports at the same time. It has not been the easiest thing to do, it has been strugglings times but at the end of the day it is all worth it. Despite all of my complaining I am blessed and though it is hard to realize that while going through all of the hard work I still must to it. There are things that I plan to get better at next semester, not only on the court but also in the class room. It took some ajusting, from high school to college but I am getting there and I think that next semester will get better for me.

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