XULA Freshman Seminar

Xavier Freshmen Explore Self in Relation to Community

Give Me a BREAK!

Posted by Joi Martin on December 7, 2008

To me, Thanksgiving has always meant spending quality time and sharing priceless moments with your family, friends, and loved ones.  This year when I went home, I was expecting to have a great vacation.  My best friend Nolan was coming over and we had new family members joining us this time around.  I was extremely excited and that was actually the best Thanksgiving that I can remember.


I went home Monday night for Thanksgiving because my only Tuesday class was cancelled.  I was so blessed to have that extra day off; I was in dire need of it.  I honestly relaxed the entire time I was at home.  I had intentions on doing some work but my family is very stingy when it comes to spending time with me.  I brought home all of my books and never picked one of them up, ha!  Although I come home often, they treat me as if I have been gone for months.  I live about an hour away from school and my mom works about fifteen minutes away.  I always see them but they make me feel loved whenever I come home. Yay!  It is always a pleasure to be home and as we approach the end of the semester, I get lazy but my family does not make focusing on my work any easier. 


On Thanksgiving Day, we gathered around the table and my mother led us in prayer.  Afterwards, we all had to mention one thing we were thankful for.  I said that I was thankful for a loving family because many people will not be having a happy Thanksgiving.  I even heard one girl say that she did not want to go home because of some unfortunate things going on.  I keep those less privileged than myself in my prayers and hopefully their situation gets better.  After feasting until we were too stuffed to move, we played games and just laughed until tears rolled down our cheeks.  Great times…


Friday, I went shopping with my mom and sister.  We bought so many things and also grabbed a bite to eat at Chili’s.  Saturday and Sunday rolled by quickly, and then it was time to return to Xavier.  I was sad but knowing that I would be home soon again made the school days go smoothly.


Overall, I had a lot of fun.  I wish all vacations could be like Thanksgiving and I wish we did not need a reason for family to get together.  I love being surrounded my loved ones and everyone having a good time with each other.  I try to keep those pictures and memories as vivid as possible in my head.  The love I receive at home makes life worth living. J

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