XULA Freshman Seminar

Xavier Freshmen Explore Self in Relation to Community


Posted by Rachael Flores on December 10, 2008

This year, Thanksgiving was probably about the same as last year, with a few additions. I spent the holiday in Baton Rouge (just as I do every other day). The major endeavor this time was research on how to fry a turkey. With every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed, the turkey frying was a success–not even a small fire was sparked. My husband and I awoke Thanksgiving morning around 6:00am and went to start the turkey-frying process at my in-laws’ house. Before the turkeys were finished, we went to pick up my grandpa for 10:30am to bring him to my dad’s house in Donaldsonville. We had a great Turkey-Day feast there (for which I made my famous “Pecan Delight” pie). We left his house, stuffed bellies and all, around 2:00pm, brought my grandpa home, and headed straight home for the Thanksgiving nap. After awaking that night, it was nothing but shop-shop-shop from 11:30pm to 2:00pm the next day. I’m not sure how I made it through the “Wal-Mart experience,” but all was well and I got to pick out some nice Christmas presents (for myself, of course…).

I was glad to have a break toward the end of school so I could take a minute and get my thoughts together. Unfortunately, most of the plans I made to study and finish up projects were derailed due to the death of my uncle. I was kind of dreading coming back to school because I had to make-up a couple of things I missed on the Monday and Tuesday before. I wished I had more time to do everything that needed to be done.

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